Wall clock ZERO Barbieri & Marianelli ZERO is a classic wall clock hand. Both convenient and economical, ZERO is suitable for professional use in business: factories, warehouses, workshops, offices, meeting rooms, lobbies ... Composed of chromium plated case and details, aluminium finish face and an acrylic glass, ZERO also includes a 1.5V LR6 alkaline battery. More info Available stockAvailability 2 or 3 weeks Vendu et expédié par CARAY Learn more about delivery Quantity : Add to the basket Your item has been added to cart Quantity : × Share info about this item and send it via email Recommend this product to friend(s) ?Register your friend's lastname, firstname, email address and your message.They will have a direct access to the selected page. Lastname(s) and/or firstname(s) of your friend(s) E-mail of your friend(s) Your firstname and/or lastname Your E-mail Your accompanying message (up to 1000 symbols): Symbols left to type : Do not complete the box